How can I use dump local ?

JF's picture
Submitted by JF on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 11:34

Hello Christoph,

I don't manage to use dump local, because I have some difficulties to understand the manual.

I compute some variables:
compute e-data all pair/gran/local history torque

For example, How can I dump the history :
dump dmp all local 2000 post/essay c_history

Please, can you help me by writting an example of dump local ?


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 12/06/2010 - 12:09

You need to refer to the compute command. The following would dump the history (3 values) and the torque/radius

compute edata all pair/gran/local history torque
dump dmp all local 2000 post/essay c_edata[1] c_edata[2] c_edata[3] c_edata[4] c_edata[5] c_edata[6]
