How to assign number of multisphere particles into the insert region ?

Submitted by Michelle Phan on Wed, 10/09/2019 - 08:46

This might be a idiot question but I have been stuck for a while. I would like to ask how to assign number of multisphere particles into the insert region. I used the "multisphere_stone_restitution" in LIGGGHTS' example. There are 50 coordinations in the data file, and only 2 clumped particles were created. I wonder how to increase the number of clumped particles ? Should I increase the number of coordination? I read the LIGGGHTS' manual but it does not (or I missed it) mention about this problem.
Thank you for your time.

Daniel Queteschiner | Wed, 10/09/2019 - 09:49

nspheres 50 in the particletemplate/multisphere command ( specifies the number of spheres a clump (i.e. multisphere particle) is composed of. This refers to the 50 lines of coordinates and radii in the stone1.multisphere file.
The number of clumps that get inserted depends on the options specified via the insert/pack command. In the present case volumefraction_region 0.0004 defines the number of clumps based on the volume fraction. You may change this value or instead use the particles_in_region option to specify the number of clumps in the insertion region, cf.