
Submitted by on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 14:58

i am newer of cfdem, there is a mistake when i run Tutorials,
it said no 0.* file, but there is a file after i see that folder, is same
i don‘t know why

Image icon the mistake picture21.1 KB
j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Wed, 04/04/2018 - 10:16

Hi Zhang,

the error message you should be looking at is "cfdemPostproc: command not found".
So for some reason it cannot find the solver. There are 2 possibilities:
1) It is not visible by the current environment -> check if the CFDEM environment is sourced properly (
2) There were problems with the compilation -> check the logs in $CFDEM_SRC_DIR/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc/log/ for errors


jessica101 | Tue, 09/10/2024 - 03:53

Ensure that the file is named correctly. The 0.* file should be named in a specific format that the tutorial expects. Check the tutorial documentation for the exact naming papa's games conventions.