gran tangential history model

Submitted by Sounik on Thu, 06/07/2018 - 06:19

Hi Everyone,

I am recently working on stability of quasi-static systems where particle velocity is very low. The tangent model utilizes relative velocity between particles to calculate tangent forces. Does this " tangential force (F_t = k_t * u_t) " as mentioned in the doc. will work for almost static system of granular assembly?

Refer: ""

Many Thanks,

Daniel Queteschiner | Wed, 06/13/2018 - 12:19

u_t is tangential overlap not velocity, only the damping part depends on velocity (F_t = k_t * u_t - gamma_t * v_t)
Also note, that the implementation in LIGGGHTS follows Di Renzo & Di Maio 2004, but should rather be implemented as described in Thornton et al. Powder Technol. (2011) 210, 3 (and Powder Technol. (2013) 233), i.e. using an incremental approach instead of an integral approach for the tangential force.