Free moving meshes under the effects of particle interaction and gravity

Submitted by Mide2001 on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 00:48

Hi Guys,

I am new to LIGGGHTS and struggling to create a free-moving mesh. Basically, I'm trying to create a mesh that moves and rotates under the effect of particle interactions and gravity. Is there a way to do this in LIGGGHTS? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


mschramm | Wed, 10/26/2022 - 03:38

you are needing a 6-dof solver. LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC does not have this.
You can try using LIGGGHTS-PFM as they have a 6dof solver,
or you can create a for loop using labels inside your input file to adjust your meshes velocity manually based on the forces acting upon it. I have done this but only for a simple pendulum.

Mide2001 | Wed, 10/26/2022 - 16:21

I'm trying to run the "6dof_cube" example code but I keep running into the error: "ERROR: Fix mesh/surface/stress/6dof (id cube): unknown keyword in style definition: mesh/surface/stress/6dof (6dof) (./src/fix_mesh_surface.cpp:278)". Does anyone know of a solution?

Mide2001 | Fri, 10/28/2022 - 14:08

I didn't build my liggghts-pfm , I'm not even sure what building it is. I ran "git clone" to download all the files. I've done the same things for the public version of LIGGGHTS and that works fine. Is my error due to me not building the pfm version of LIGGGHTS?

mschramm | Fri, 10/28/2022 - 18:55

Yes, you need to build it. Easiest way is to use cmake. Make sure you have the needed dependencies.
Once built, you will either need to link (ln -s) the executable to somewhere all ready on your PATH variable, or you will need to add your build directory to your PATH variable.

I would also recommend pulling from particle flow directly instead of using my fork.