fix viscous + dump stl

Submitted by cgrohs on Fri, 05/21/2010 - 17:08

When I try to use the "fix viscous" command AND the "dump stl" command I get an ERROR: Dump stl can not process all fixes of type mesh/gran, boost nFixMeshGran in dump_stl.cpp and recompile

The same input file without "dump stl" OR without "fix viscous", respectively, works fine.


raguelmoon's picture

raguelmoon | Fri, 05/21/2010 - 18:15

Hi Christian,
you need to incease the value of
#define nFixMeshGran 20

to 50 or more in line number 38 of dump_stl.cpp and recompile liggghts.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Sat, 05/22/2010 - 14:08

Hi Christian,

the solution Ram porposed should work. However, there was a typo in the dump STL command - I forgot to fix that in 1.0.2 - will be fixed in the next release.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 05/25/2010 - 08:31

Hi Chreistian,

just looked it up... this issue has already been fixed in 1.0.2. What version are you using? If 1.0.2, please send me your input script to track the error...


cgrohs | Tue, 05/25/2010 - 12:17

Hi Christoph,

I just tried version 1.0.2 and it works fine => problem solved!

Thank you,