Hello everyone,
I get an error when I run the example problem "packing" (from Tutorials_public folder):
# last command:
fix ins nve_group insert/pack seed 32452867 distributiontemplate pdd1 maxattempt 200 insert_every once overlapcheck yes all_in yes vel constant 0. 0. 0. region reg volumefraction_region 0.25
ERROR: Invalid fix style: "insert/pack"
Is fix insert/pack command implemented in LIGGGHTS-WORKBENCH-STARTER 4.0.0 version ?
How do i create static package with a random particle distribution by using the liggghtsSTARTER_v2.3.1.exe ?
Thank you!
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alice | Thu, 05/23/2019 - 10:18
Hello Andrey,
Hello Andrey,
in CFDEM(R)workbench STARTER only the insert/stream command is available. insert/pack and insert/rate/region are only available in the PRO version or in the sources of LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC. Furthermore STARTER also only allows for a single particle template, thus only monodisperse packings can be generated (by allowing the particles to settle).