Error reading VTK results from LIGGGHTS into Paraview

Submitted by fhahn on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 15:29

Hi everyone!

I am aiming to get started using CFDEM and just finished setting up all components necessary for that. All in all I now have up and running:
- OpenFOAM-2.1.x incl. ThirdParty-2.1.x (built from source)
- LIGGGHTS 2.1.1
- CFDEMcoupling 2.4.4
- current version of lpp
I tested each part of the installation running the respective tutorial/example cases: OpenFOAM, LIGGGHTS and CFDEM seem to work as expected.

To get started with DEM I had a look at LIGGGHTS' meshGran test case. Running the case and writing the results to VTK using lpp worked nicely. However, opening these VTK data in Paraview produces the following error:

ERROR: In /home/fhahn/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.x/ParaView-3.12.0/VTK/IO/vtkDataReader.cxx, line 1910
vtkPolyDataReader (0x340c6f0): Unsupported data type: 1

As it seems, this is caused by the very first VTK file (meshGran0000.vtk) being read. After deleting this one (so reading starts at *0300.vtk) the error is gone. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?
I am using the version of Paraview (3.12.0) which came with the ThirdParty-Package of OpenFOAM and was compiled during the installation.
I'd highly appreciate any advice!


aaigner's picture

aaigner | Thu, 09/13/2012 - 18:04

Hi Friedemann,

Try to add a 'run 1' just before your dump-command to your input script. Maybe your paraview doesn't like empty vtk-files.

run 1
dump dmp all custom ....

run 100000 # whatever


fhahn | Fri, 09/14/2012 - 12:43

Hi Andreas,

thanks for that suggestion, suppressing the empty output files solved the problem.

I did some more testing and tried to postprocess the same troublesome files using different versions of Paraview, started from OpenFOAM-independent binaries though:
- 3.12.0: same error here
- 3.14.1: no problem loading the empty files
I will try compiling a version of 3.14. and see whether it works with the OpenFOAMReaders as expected. In case anyone else would be interested in doing so I could report the necessary procedure here.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Sun, 09/16/2012 - 23:38

Hi Friedemann,

>>- 3.12.0: same error here
>>- 3.14.1: no problem loading the empty files
yes, depending on the paraview version I experienced this behavior too - I guess this was just a bug in paraview 3.12 because according to the VTK specification an empty file should be perfectly possible. So I think the issue is not on our side

Cheers, Christoph