Error estimation for coupling procedure in cfdemSolverIB

Submitted by jpola on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 12:40


For some time I'm using cfdemSolverIB for my research purposes. Thanks for this project, you have made a great job. During the reading of some related papers I didn't found anything regarding the error analysis for coupling procedure.

In example, the original Issa's paper about the PISO algorithm he gives a proof that we need two corrector procedures per time step required to achieve errors of order: O(∆t^4) for velocity and O(∆t^3) pressure.

The cfdemSolverIB is build around PISO algorithm. As I saw in the source code the essential part for the IB solver is at the end of the PISO loop and it is related to additional correction step of velocity and pressure which changes the U, p fields with respect to the presence of solids in the system . What kind of error this step introduces?

Thanks in advance for your help.