Error in cfdemSolverPisoScalar case

Submitted by mardussa on Fri, 09/14/2018 - 08:12

Hi All,
I have tried to adapt a case that I had running using the solver cfdemSolverPiso to add heating to the particles and run it with cfdemSolverPisoScalar. I made sure that everything looks correct from looking at the packedBedTemp example case. When I run the simulation I get the following error message:
Selecting locateModel engine

[0] keyword engineProps is undefined in dictionary "/home/robert/CFDEM/robert-PUBLIC-4.x/run/PREXpolyhedraLaminarH2OScalar/CFD/processor0/constant/couplingProperties"
[0] file: /home/robert/CFDEM/robert-PUBLIC-4.x/run/PREXpolyhedraLaminarH2OScalar/CFD/processor0/constant/couplingProperties from line 29 to line 298.
[0] From function const Foam::dictionary& Foam::dictionary::subDict(const Foam::word&) const
[0] in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 642.
FOAM parallel run exiting

It then goes on to say that it also cannot find the engineProps definition in the couplingProperties file in processor[1-3]/constant/ directories either. When I look at the packedBedTemp case that I have run from the tutorials I see that the only thing that is included in the processor[0-4]/constant/ directory in the polyMesh directory, there is no couplingProperties, liggghtsCommands etc. I have a $CASE_DIR/CFD/constant/couplingProperties file where engineProps is defined.

Does anyone know why my case is looking for the couplingProperties in each decomposed case?

Any help would be appreciated.

Binary Data prexcfdemsolverpisoscalar.tar_.gz2.52 MB

mardussa | Fri, 09/14/2018 - 09:12

I tried changing the locateModel to standard (instead of engine), and I seem to get past that point, however the output I receive now states it cannot find twoWayMPIProps in the same manner is the above error. I am really stuck. It seems to not link the /CFD/constant/couplingProperties file to the /CFD/processor[0-3]/constant/ directory, but I can't find what is different between my case setup and the example problems setup.

paul | Fri, 09/14/2018 - 11:35

> I have a $CASE_DIR/CFD/constant/couplingProperties file where engineProps is defined.

I do not believe you ;) Provide a testcase, otherwise no one can help you.

Does it work with cfdemSolverPiso?

mardussa | Mon, 09/17/2018 - 01:43

Hello Paul,
I attached my case dir to the original post comment. I am using a mesh built in starccm*, therefore using ccm26ToFoam to generate the CFD mesh. In case you do not have this I have already built the mesh and commented out the mesh build step in my
I also checked the couplingProperties file for any syntax errors, but I believe it is all in order, with semicolons and brackets present where they should be.
It would be much appreciated if you could have a look over my case file if you have time.
Kind regards,

paul | Tue, 09/18/2018 - 10:46

velFieldName "U";
tempFieldName "T";
voidfractionFieldName "voidfraction";
partTempName "Temp";
partHeatFluxName "convectiveHeatFlux";
lambda 0.0256;
Cp 1007;
< --- you forgot a closing bracket.