Efficient Repetition of Commands via Loop-like structure

Submitted by apvyas on Wed, 10/05/2022 - 08:25


I have a series of commands I would like to execute in an increasing fashion. For example:

1. [ Run 10 timesteps, set velocity of particles = 0 ] * 100
2. [ Run 100 timesteps, set velocity of particles = 0 ] * 100
3. [ Run 1000 timesteps, set velocity of particles = 0 ] * 100
4. [ Run 10000 timesteps, set velocity of particles = 0 ] * 100

What can be an efficient implementation of the above code using LIGGGHTS documentation? The purpose of doing this overhead is to generate particles in a specific bounded space based on a CAD file. I cannot edit the CAD file nor add to it so it is tough to control its placement and particle insertion based on a "region". Instead, I was suggested to try a combination of reducing the coefficient of restitution & no overlap check to slowly fill the particles. based on a confined sub-volume.

This issue has been a thorn in my side for a while so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!