DPM Concentration

Submitted by Samir on Sun, 11/03/2024 - 22:49

I am new to CFDEM and am trying to use it to simulate particles for a 3D printer. The paper I am trying to replicate uses Fluent for DPM concentration in kg/m3. So, far I understand,

DPM concentration= Total particle mass in a cell/Cell volume

I am trying to achieve the same using CFDEM. I cannot find a way to do that in Paraview. Specially how do I get mass per unit cell and the unit cell volume. Can you help me?

Lyly19 | Tue, 11/19/2024 - 07:50

In ParaView, you can calculate DPM concentration by Football Bros enabling particle mass as a field in CFDEM and using the "Cell Size" filter to get cell volume. Then, apply the "Calculator" filter to divide total particle mass by cell volume, giving you concentration in kg/m³.