Dose restart has the similar function as purgeWrite in OpenFOAM/system/controlDict

Min Zhang's picture
Submitted by Min Zhang on Tue, 07/03/2018 - 16:34

Hello All,

We know that in OpenFOAM/system/controlDict, we can set the writeInterval, eg., 0.1 and my end time is 500. I can also set purgeWrite to be 6, then it will only store the latest 6 writeInterval steps, eg. 400.1, 400.2, 400.3, 400.4, 400.5, 400.6 if my simulation has run for 400.6667.

I am wondering whether the restart command in liggghts has the similar functionality.

Thanks and best regards,

arnom's picture

arnom | Thu, 07/19/2018 - 09:37

No there is no such functionality directly. Writing two restart files alternating might be of interest for you and that can be achieved with the restart function.

DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer

Min Zhang's picture

Min Zhang | Fri, 07/20/2018 - 16:09


Thanks for your reply!

But on the OpenFOAM website,, it has the OF5.0 version already released.

I have been trying to install OpenFOAM&LIGGGHTS&CFDEMcoupling on a cluster and its OS is CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core).

I found that OF4.1 and OF5.0 has already been installed on this cluster. So I am wondering whether I could be based on their OF5.0 or I need to install OF5.x by myself since the latest CFDEMcoupling version is only compatible with OF5.x not OF5.0.

Thanks and best regards,