Displaying the particle type

Submitted by kevbas on Mon, 01/14/2019 - 13:10

Hi everyone,

I am really a beginner in LIGGGHTS. Right now I am working to simulate the filling of a cube/block with different types of aggregate. My problem is that I want to do the simulation by showing the different type of the aggregate, which I can't do because when I chose the display into type Paraview only shows me 1 type of the aggregate. I uploaded here a screenshot of the simulation for a better understanding.

Thank you very much

richti83's picture

richti83 | Tue, 01/15/2019 - 09:27

I suspect fix insert does not insert the 2nd fraction pts2 bc. the volume is allready filled with 200 bodies of pts1. Do you get "less insertion than requested" warnings ?
We can not try your script bc of missing Agg1 and Agg2 files.
For debug purpose I would set "particle in region" to 10 or lower until the warning "less insertion" disappears.

I'm not an associate of DCS GmbH and not a core developer of LIGGGHTS®
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kevbas | Wed, 01/16/2019 - 10:02

Hi Christian,

thanks for your help! it works now