Hi All,
I have just started to test cfdemIBSolver test case i.e twoSphereGlowinski. When I visualize in paraview CFD and DEM field do not move together.
I have checked the time step of both and coupling rate but do find anything wrong. How do I see correct visualization of both together? Or anything that I am missing?
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mschramm | Mon, 09/21/2020 - 20:46
Lagrangian particle
To see both the particle and the flow field, only import the cfd data via the cfd.foam file.
Select Decomposed Case
To view particles
Select lagrangian/particleCloud and un-select internalMesh
Set representation from Surface to 3D Glyphs
In Glyph Parameters, select Scaling, Scale Mode = Magnitude, Scale Factor = 1.0, Scale Array = r, Glyph Type = Sphere, Radius = 1