Submitted by Rimiggghts on Tue, 09/11/2018 - 11:57

I'm new with these kind of softwares. after some researches , I have found that it exists 2 software of LIGGGHTS.
The first; "LIGGGHTS" and the other one "LIGGGHTS-WITH-BONDS" ;
I wanted to know if there is a particular difference between these 2 ; and also , as i want to install this software , which one is the best ?
Do their installations differ from each other ?
Thank You !

Daniel Queteschiner | Tue, 09/11/2018 - 17:18

LIGGGHTS (or to be precise: LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC when it comes to freely available versions) is the official version distributed by DCS Computing. LIGGGHTS-WITH-BONDS is a fork that adds a bonded particle model. Since LIGGGHTS is an open-source project there may be other forks out there that may have added/modified different program features. If you don't need any of these extra functionalities I would recommend to stick with the official version.