Difference between f_dragforce, f_cfd2, DEMForces, impForce...

Submitted by wangxiukai on Tue, 11/09/2021 - 10:05

momCoupleModels: implicitCouple
forceModels: DiFeliceDrag, gradPForce, viscForce

In the script of LIG of ErgunTestMPI case: fix cfd2 all couple/cfd/force/implicit → it produces f_cfd2 and f_dragforce
probeModel: particleProbe → it produces DiFeliceDrag, gradPForce, viscForce.
IOmodel: trackIO → it produce DEMForces, impForces

What are the differences between f_cfd2, sum(f_dragforce), DEMForces?

In other topics of the forums, someone said, the f_dragforce is the sum of DiFeliceDrag, gradPForce for each particle, viscForce, and f_cfd2 is the total force acting on all particles. However, it is wrong in this case.

The comparison results are as follows
1) DiFeliceDragProps: impForceDEM true
f_cfd2 > sum (DiFeliceDrag + gradPForce + viscForce) > DEMForces > sum(f_dragforce)
2) DiFeliceDragProps: impForceDEM false
sum (DiFeliceDrag + gradPForce + viscForce) = DEMForces > f_cfd2 = sum(f_dragforce)

So, What are the differences between f_cfd2, sum(f_dragforce), DEMForces and sum (DiFeliceDrag + gradPForce + viscForce)?

szl | Tue, 01/16/2024 - 12:50

Thank you very much for your work. What I am interested in is how to set the output in the file : 1. probeModel: particleProbe → it produces DiFeliceDrag, gradPForce, viscForce.
2. IOmodel: trackIO → it produce DEMForces, impForces,your reply would be highly appreciated!