Delete atoms every n coupling steps

Submitted by Rachel on Wed, 08/29/2018 - 00:22

Hi all,

I am simulating a case using CFD-DEM coupling package. I have successfully used "liggghtsCommands" in my CFD\constant folder and I can delete atoms in a certain region every coupling step. However, I don't expect the atoms are deleted every coupling step and I want to delete the atom every 1000 coupling step, how can I control the frequency of the liggghtscommand?

There seems to have two commands available in "liggghtsCommands" file to control the frequency of atom deletion, i.e. "runEveryCouplingStep off; runEveryWriteStep off", how to set an arbitrary frequency for the deletion.

Could anyone please give me any clues? Thanks very much.


j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Fri, 09/07/2018 - 09:40

Hi Rachel,

completely arbitrary isn't possible, only multiples of the coupling interval work. Only then it is properly possible to "inject" other commands into LIGGGHTS from the "outside".
However you can define different intervals and the command will be executed after the closest couplingStep.
Use the keywords startTime, endTime and timeInterval.
