The defalut ErgunTestmpi solver

Submitted by openfoam on Wed, 12/19/2012 - 17:24

I used the defalut ErgunTestmpi solver to solve the bubbles(DEM particles) movement in water. I have set up the bubble's density as 1.225 in DEM/in.XXX file and the water's density as 998.2 in DEM/0/rho file, but I found the bubbles didn't move up in water under the buoyancy force effects. I have open the Archimedes forceModels in couplingproperties file.

How can I fixed it?
If the reason is the Solver didn't support buoyancy, can I use some exist openfoam solver to include the buoyancy? Which one need liittle modification?
I'm very not good at programming. So I look forward more info.
