Creating new Solvers for CFDEM

Submitted by chaitanya_wadi on Thu, 09/26/2013 - 20:39

Can anybody tell me how to compile the changes made if we create a new solver similar to CfdemSolverPiso.
Please tell what all steps would be required as in making new folder, .C file, compiling etc.

Thanks a lot.

blais.bruno | Mon, 02/17/2014 - 16:57

The easiest way is to copy an existing folder to a new folder.

Let's say you wish to create your own "mysolv" from cfdemSolverPiso.

Copy cfdemSolverPiso to a new folder. Rename the files (.c, .dep, .H) et don't forget to modify the Make/files to point to the right .C

Afterward, you have to replace cfdemSolverPiso with you "mysolv" within each files i.e : rewriting the constructor, destructor, etc. so that the function fits with the name of your solver.

This should be done for all files.

Afterward, you can simply compile the new solver by going to the "mysolv" directory and using wmake.
