Create atoms after every n timesteps

Submitted by coshivam on Thu, 03/15/2018 - 17:31

Is there a way through which we can create atoms using the create_atoms command after every n timesteps in a region? I know that, it could be done by following commands for spherical particles.

region factory block -0.050 0.050 -0.002 0 0 0.300 units box
fix pts all particletemplate/sphere 15485863 atom_type 1 density constant 2700 radius constant 0.0050
fix pdd all particledistribution/discrete 63241 1 pts 1
fix ins all insert/rate/region seed 123457 distributiontemplate pdd nparticles 50000 particlerate 5000 insert_every 1000 &
overlapcheck yes vel constant 0 0 0 region factory ntry_mc 10000

Is there way to create superquadrics particles using similar approach?