Convert particle vtk to stl

Submitted by subin641 on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 19:04


I was wondering if we can convert the vtk files of granular particles to stl file or directly export the particle as stl (using dump). I only found that we can convert wall vtk to stl but would like to know if this is possible for particles as well.

Thank you.

arnom's picture

arnom | Thu, 02/01/2018 - 13:39

This does not make sense as particles are points and STL can only represent triangles. You would first have to use something like the Glyph filter in ParaView to create spheres at each particle location, then triangulate the sphere meshes and then export those as STL. This is untested, but might work.

DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer