compute pair/gran/local command

Submitted by saraanvari on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 13:51

I have been looking at the pair_gran_hooke_history.cpp file used by compute pair/gran/local command and noticed that in part unset non-touching neighbors, all the grains which are in a distance less than the sum of their radii are considered for the calculation, if I want to consider the touching grains not the overlapping ones too, can I simply remove the "=" sign in if (rsq >= radsum*radsum) and compile liggghts again?
further more if I want only normal forces can I put "fs1 & fs2 & fs3" in fs1 = - (kt*shear[0]);
fs2 = - (kt*shear[1]);
fs3 = - (kt*shear[2]);
equal to zero so that the final results would be the components of normal force and do vice versa to get the components of tangential forces ?

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Wed, 10/12/2011 - 14:08

>>an I simply remove the "=" sign
numerically, this wont make a difference, you will never have grains that exactly touch

>>further more if I want only normal forces, "fs1 & fs2 & fs3" equal to zero
there are two parts, the spring and the dash-pot, would you have to zero both
