Compiling LIGGGHTS on Windows

Submitted by joshiga on Tue, 05/16/2017 - 12:30

Can I compile liggghts on a Windows-7 ?
Can somebody provide the procedure for the same?


joshiga | Mon, 05/29/2017 - 12:33

Thanks Richti for the help!

I could compile and run liggghts with MPICH2. I'm facing one issue though. Following dump command is not working.

dump dmp_part all atom/vtk 1000 Post/project-8_*.vtk

It gives invalid dump command error. Any idea on how to resolve this?

richti83's picture

richti83 | Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:07

You need VTK (library and headers) for windows and enabled [x] use_vtk in cmake step (I never compiled liggghts windows with vtk enabled)

alternatively use dump dmp_part all custom 1000 Post/project-8_*.liggghts id x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz mass
and my ParaView Reader for liggghts dump files [1]


I'm not an associate of DCS GmbH and not a core developer of LIGGGHTS®
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joshiga | Tue, 06/06/2017 - 09:16

I could compile and run with VTK libs. Now the problem is, I'm not able to run with MPICH with mpi command like ,
mpiexec -np 10 liggghts.exe < inputdeck

I'm getting an error like,
C:/Program Files/MPICH2/bin/mpiexec.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Do you have any idea what this error could be about?
I've compiled VTK parallel with MPI. I can run liggghts with vtk without mpiexec command.

Thanks for the help.