Cohesive model, possible bug?

Submitted by gwilliamson on Sun, 03/03/2019 - 17:19

Hi, I am currently using a multisphere approach in a simulation with a washino/capillary/viscous model. I have inserted both an inertia tensor and mass as stated in the documentation however when I run the simulation the particles disappear after the insertion stage. I ran the script again without the inertia tensor and mass values allowing LIGGGHTS to calculate these through the Monte Carlo approach. The script ran fine and the particles are present, however the difference in mass, inertia tensor and n-sphere values for the approaches are very different. Is there a reason why LIGGGHTS isn't correctly reading the values stated?

I have included the section of log script to show the large differences in values when the particle information is read. The code with mass of 9.18... is when the values are inserted and the case where LIGGGHTS has calculated it the mass is 5.27e7.

Thanks in advance for any help.