Changing the environment

Submitted by PRATBHARAT94 on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 21:34

I am very new in the field of LIGGGHTS. I have already installed LIGGGHTS 3.7.0 version. But I have to work with atom type superquadrics , I have installed the version 3.8.0 too. But while I am simulating the case. It was creating the 3.8.0 version environment. Please tell me how can I change the environment??
Thanks in advance

mschramm | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 01:28

Are you asking how to update your symbolic link?

If you want to simply add another link to your 3.8 compiled program, and you are on linux
sudo ln -s /path/to/your/new/liggghts/install /usr/local/bin/liggghts_38

If you are windows, you will need to manually add the path to your path variable