cfdemSolverPisoScalar case with comp switch 'on'

Submitted by run_cfd on Thu, 01/16/2014 - 15:09

Hello Dr. Goniva/ cfdem users,

I compiled successfully the cfdem src with the comp switch 'on' and then compiled cfdemSolverPisoScalar solver which also compiled successfully. When I ran the 'packedBedTemp' tutorial, It gives error. Is this case tested tested or have I ignored something. The log file is attached herewith.


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cgoniva | Tue, 02/04/2014 - 14:49

the tutorial should work fine.
please note thet there are aliases to compile src, solvers and LIGGGHTS.
You can type cfdem and then tab (twice) to see all possible commands.

use: cfdemCompCFDEMall to compile everything and then
cfdemTestTUT to run all tutorials.

in your specific case please try to re-run the initialization of the DEM part of the case. For that go to .../DEM and use the alias cfdemLiggghtsPar in.liggghts_init 2
this gives a new liggghts restart file which is then used for the coupled run.

Please keep us posted about your progress.
Kind Regards,

run_cfd | Fri, 02/07/2014 - 10:22

Thanks Dr. Goniva.
Things are working now. I am able to run 'packedBedTemp' tutorial with 'comp' on.
Now I am in a next stage where I need to plot the fluid Temperature and particle Temperature on a same plot which seems not possible for now as I see that the particle temperatures are not averaged CFD cellwise and imported in CFD results. I checked the 'subModels/forceModel/LaEuScalarTemp/LaEuscalerTemp.C' code and found that the variable partTemp_[index][0] can be averaged on the CFD cells using the "AveraginModel::dense::setScalarAveragegModel" and could be wrote in CFD results. Am I right? If so, I will give it a try and let you know.
