cfdemSolverPiso particles in pipe crash

Submitted by linnemann on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 07:57

I have tried to create a simple pipe case with a pipe and adding wear to the walls.

The case runs fine up to 0.03s and then stalls for a long time and then crashes.

I cannot find out what the problem is.
Tried adjusting almost everything I think is relevant, but no luck.

Starting guess comes from a steady-state flow solution.

If one of the experts would kindly take a look at the case provided here I would be most grateful.

An animation using icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam can be seen here

willchennewcastle's picture

willchennewcastle | Tue, 09/03/2013 - 08:45

Hi linnemann

You may want to reduce the particle size. The current setting will not converge.



willchennewcastle's picture

willchennewcastle | Thu, 09/05/2013 - 08:04

Now i found the problem. Use f f f for boundary instead. The computer crashed because particles went out of the boundary, and the programme is still constantly search for it.

best luck,


linnemann | Wed, 09/11/2013 - 15:17

Thank you very much.

Now it does not crash.

It although looks as the particles are escaping through the wall and the number of particles keeps changing.
It does not look like the particles are moved but rather new added and old removed.

Can you see something in the setup that should allow particles to escape?

willchennewcastle's picture

willchennewcastle | Thu, 09/12/2013 - 04:17

Hi man,

Particle penetrate through walls
try to increase the YoungsModulus to be larger than 5e7.
decrease the ts to 1e-6
dump_step 100
couple mpi 100
ts 1e-4
couple mpi 100
write interval 0.001

Also, try to play around with your CFD boundary condition settings. Make sure you delete the old simulation results before start a new one. Keep an eye on your Courant number as well when running the simulation. I don't guarantee the results are reliable compare the experiments since I am not a expert on this. Any problems,

