I'm trying to build a Solver for a compressible fluid and everything works fine up to the point where the dragforce model DiFelice is called. To get some debug informations I inserted an Info-line to get the values at this point.
The error is a floating point exception, caused by a value of 6.9e-310 of nufField , than I tried to get values of the variables from which nufField is calculated, but there I can't find any mistake.
I hope anybody of you knows where the mistake is and could help me,
thanks for your help.
Attached the code of DiFelice and the log-file.
cgoniva | Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:22
Hi, the attachement seems not
the attachement seems not to work...
concerning your question, this is not necessarily a bug in the coupling.
In the drag law there is a division by nuf e.g in Rep=u*d/nuf which gives an error for nuf=1e-310.
As nuf is calculated by your solver (at least I guess so?) this value close to zero might occur when the simulation crashes.
You could check the previous timesteps and see why the simulation blows up?
run_cfd | Fri, 09/27/2013 - 06:18
coupling sonicFoam and LIGGGHTS
I was trying to establish coupling between sonicFoam and LIGGGHTS by mimicing the similar way as done in cfdemSolverPiso.
The following equations I fromed to be solved...
volScalarField voidfractionRho = voidfraction*rho;
solve(fvm::ddt(voidfractionRho) + fvc::div(phi)); \\phi is defined in createFields.H as "linearInterpolate(rho*U*voidfraction) & mesh.Sf()"
rho = voidfractionRho/voidfraction;
fvVectorMatrix UEqn
fvm::ddt(voidfractionRho, U)
+ fvm::div(phi, U)
+ turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
+ particleCloud.divVoidfractionTau(U, voidfraction)
- fvm::Sp(Ksl,U)
UEqn == -fvc::grad(p) + Ksl*Us;
\\ The pressure equations and energy equations are formed as in sonicFoam.
I wish to know the validity of using above method. The code I wrote was in similar way as that in sonicFoam and cfdemSolverPiso, and done necessary modifications. In current status the code is crashing after some iterations, which I am struggling to sort out. I would attach the code if you need.
ngoudarz | Wed, 08/07/2024 - 09:56
I need this too
Hi friend,
I'm also trying to couple rhoCentralFoam. Just wondering if you had success in the past developing your own compressible solver. Any insight or available codes you might provide is much appreciated.
Thanks so much