Can't access granular components in LIGGHTS3.0

Submitted by jjohnfuller on Fri, 04/04/2014 - 16:46

Hi There

Have LIGGGHTS installed on MAC Mavericks and it compiles with the RIGID module only correctly

However many packages I include I cannot see any of the pair styles for granular work - e.g. pair style gran hooke etc

I have reinstalled a number of times and can compile OK and it runs, but can never access these functions

Am I missing something obvious here ??

What are the minimum packages required for Granular modelling

Any help much appreciated

rberger's picture

rberger | Mon, 04/07/2014 - 12:42

Sounds like a compilation issue. Have a look at style_contact_model.h. If its empty, there's your problem.
This can have multiple causes. During compilation this file is generated using some preprocessing, using tools like grep and sed. If you want to figure out precisely what's going on, run:
sh models
If you don't get any errors, but the file is still empty, make sure style_contact_models.blacklist is completely empty. Best remove it and create an empty one using "touch".
rm style_contact_model.blacklist
touch style_contact_model.blacklist

We'll have a bugfix release in a few days. I'll make sure to test it on mavericks as well.

jjohnfuller | Tue, 04/08/2014 - 14:44

Hi Richard

Thanks for your response - I was getting nowhere

The style_contact_model.h file was indeed empty

I ran sh. models which appeared to run but gave no output

Checked the file again - nothing there

Deleted and recreated the blacklist file

ran sh models again

Styles now in the style_contact_model.h

Recompile OK but when I check the executable with the -h switch they are still not there !!

Any further ideas ??

Many thanks

Best Regards


rberger's picture

rberger | Tue, 04/08/2014 - 21:38

I just tested it on my Mavericks machine. Turns out the filtering using the BSD tools on MacOSX behaves a little different compared to the GNU tools (grep, sed). So the problem is that even though the blacklist file is empty, grep removes all generated lines for whatever reason. Here is what you do: you either wait a few more days, cause we're patching it in the 3.0.1 release by the end of the week, or you just edit yourself. Look for the lines
grep -v -f style_contact_model.blacklist $tmpfile > $filteredfile
rm $tmpfile

and just replace them with
mv $tmpfile $filteredfile

jjohnfuller | Thu, 04/10/2014 - 13:47

Hi Richard

Thanks for trying this for me

Have made the changes, the style_contact_model.h file now has the styles in it but on compile they are still not part of the lmp file

Should I wait for the next rev ??

Best Regards


rberger's picture

rberger | Sat, 04/12/2014 - 12:39

please try it now with the LIGGGHTS 3.0.1 release. Also note that since Version 2.3.8, there was a syntax change as documented in docs/liggghts_3.X_tutorial.html
pair_style gran/hooke
pair_style gran model hooke
Same is true for wall fixes.

jjohnfuller | Mon, 12/22/2014 - 14:28

Hi Richard

Didn't close this off as was having too much fun with a working system !!

Thanks for all your help - see LoadFast on youtube for some of our simulations

Best Regards
