beginner in CFDEM

Submitted by techblast333 on Mon, 10/17/2011 - 16:32

hi everyone,
i have installed openfoam, liggghts and cfdem on ubuntu-10.04 as it was given in installation section on this site. i know how to run simulation on openfoam but i dont know anything about liggghts and cfdem. i have made liggghts executable with fedora_fpic command as it was in text file of installation. In liggghts manual it is made by 'make linux' or 'gmake linux' command. i want to learn how to run examples of liggghts through terminal. the couple of commands given in liggghts manual for test case running are not working. plz tell me how should i proceed properly and what wud the changes in the command for my system.
i have also run an example of cfdem case as it is given in cfdem installation section. everything is working properly bt im not able to open paraview. plz suggest me proper command to open paraview for cfdem.

thanks .
i have attached a file how i installed cfdem and its coupling with openfoam and liggghts.

Plain text icon cfdem.txt8.38 KB
alice's picture

alice | Mon, 10/17/2011 - 16:39

are you sure that you have a version of paraview installed?
and: you say that liggghts does not work, but the coupling does?
we will need some more information about your troubles in order to help you...

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 10/17/2011 - 16:40

>> i want to learn how to run examples of liggghts through terminal
look at the LIGGGHTS manual, it is explained there. I know it is hard, but rtfm ;-)

>>the couple of commands given in liggghts manual for test case running are not working.
if you do not provide more concrete information, nobody will be able to help you

>>plz suggest me proper command to open paraview for cfdem.
have you tried 'paraview'?
