.bashrc environment variables

Submitted by nikros on Tue, 12/29/2015 - 10:01

Hello. I'm a new user of CFDEM. I follow the instructions in the githubaccess_public.pdf files.
After setting the environment variables in my .bashrc file I checked it by cfdemSysTest

The problems were:
valid:NO critical:yes - $CFDEM_LPP_DIR = /home/asorkin/LIGGGHTS/mylpp/src does not exist
valid:NO critical:no - $C3PO_SRC_DIR = /home/asorkin/CFDEM/CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC-/src/c3po does not exist

What is mylpp? My LIGGGHTS directory contains only LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC, which I downloaded by git. Where can I get this mylpp.
I also don't have any c3po in the src directory of CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC-/.

Thank you in advance.