Bad mesh, Can't continue

Submitted by Asset Aliyev on Wed, 02/23/2022 - 19:33

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with compiling a script in LIGGGHTS due to problems with STL file. I have tried many CADs, such as SolidWorks, Blender, Salome, but all the constructions can't be compiled with an error "Bad mesh, Can't continue".
It works well in Aspherix by using element_exclusion_list command due to excluding one triangle. However, in LIGGGHTS I can't fix this problem.
I've tried to insert the mesh into an example script and then visualize it. Firstly, I wrote: "element_exclusion_list write meshes/try0.exclude" and in the second step changed it to: "element_exclusion_list read meshes/try0.exclude". Unfortunately, the problem remains actual with these commands.
Could you please suggest how I can compile the script with this mesh in LIGGGHTS?
STL file is attached here:

SHUBHAM AGARWAL | Fri, 03/18/2022 - 20:43

I came across a similar problem once.
I extracted the point cloud for the stl file, Using the point cloud I remeshed and cleaned the geometry, using MATLAB the re-save as .stl. You can find to program to remesh here:

To refine the mesh you can use:

Hope it helps