Background of formula for heattransfer between two particles

Submitted by RobertG on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 15:43

I'm trying to understand how LIGGGHTS calculates the heattransfer.
On the page:
you can see, which formulars are used. But I don't get the the one in the middle.
I can't see how it is composed of.
Can some one give me hint or a Link to the paper?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

RobertG | Wed, 09/16/2015 - 15:04

Hello Christoph,
I have had a look at the paper you are refering to.
But I have my problems with it.
There is a little difference between the formulas.
Basically you are saying [(3*F_N*r)/(4*E)]^(1/3)=A_contact_i_j^(1/2).
But I never managed it to get this transformation right.

Can you help me?

Best regards

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Thu, 09/24/2015 - 09:43

Hi RobertG,

if you think there is a difference between what the paper says and what is in the code, please explain it in detail
