ave/euler - dump results

Agnieszka Zielinska's picture
Submitted by Agnieszka Zielinska on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 17:32

hello LIGGGHTS Experts,

I have to compute stress and strain for particles.
I tried calculate stress by command:
fix stress all ave/euler nevery 1000 cell_size_relative 4.5 parallel no
collected the result by:
dump damp all custom 1000 post/dump*.liggghts id f_stress
but I recived following error:
ERROR: Dump custom fix does not compute per-atom info (../dump_custom.cpp:1383)

How to correctly dump this results?
Can I calculate the strain and stress for a particles in other way?

Best wishes,

Daniel Queteschiner | Mon, 06/24/2019 - 16:00

fix ave/euler does not produce per-atom values (maybe look at compute stress/atom for that, but be aware of the differences!) but per-cell values.
You have to use the dump euler/vtk command to output values from fix ave/euler, e.g.
dump dmpstress all euler/vtk 500 post/stress*.vtk