Atom type in LIGGGHTS 3.0.2

Submitted by rcabiscol on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 15:31


I tried to perform a simulation with bonds in LIGGGHTS 3.0.2 version and it is not possible to initialize the simulation. As the guide suggest, I wrote the command atom_type bond. A similar problem occurs with the pair_styles.

However, is it only working in old LIGGGHTS versions? How should I addapt these commands? Additionaly is there any online resource in which are described the commands for this current version?

Thank you very much!

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 08/25/2014 - 22:55

Hi rcabiscol,

there is currently no granular bond model that we officially support. There is an inofficial version circulating that originates from me - to initialize you just use create_atoms and fix create/bond/gran
