Adjustment for simulatin of ellipsoid

Submitted by StevenLiu on Wed, 03/09/2022 - 12:38

Hi all

I am a beginner of CFD-DEM and the particle shape in my simulation is ellipsoid. I am quite confused that what adjustments do I need to make to complete my simulation?

As far as I konw, I need to add new drag force, lift force etc. in the forceModel folder. Is there anything else that needs to be adjusted in CFDEM?

Besides, I also intend to add a pitching torque but I can't find such "torqueModel" in CFDEM, it seems like the torque is calculated automatically when the corresponding force is specified? (I am really not sure). Is there anyone can tell me how to add a torque in CFDEM?

Any suggestion would be very helpful!



JeppeMathDTUStudent | Fri, 03/18/2022 - 10:10

Hi Steven,
Have you found out which changes that are necessary for running the simulation with an ellipsoid instead of a sphere?


EmersonSouza | Thu, 09/28/2023 - 14:12

Does CFDEM able to model superquadric drag correctly? I thought the superquadric modelling with CFDEM drag was not yet implemented.