Access to particle temperatures within source code

Submitted by aishk on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 20:58

Hi all,

This is just a follow up from my previous forum question. I was wondering how to access the particle temperatures at a particular timestep. I know that it is part of the 'fix' class but not sure how or where it is stored and how it is dumped into my .vtk file.

All help is appreciated!!



mschramm | Sat, 10/19/2019 - 18:06

This is a little more difficult than the other...

#include "fix_property_atom.h"

class FixPropertyAtom *fix_Temp;
double *Temp;
fix_Temp = static_cast(modify->find_fix_property("Temp","property/atom","scalar",1,0,"This File Location"));
Temp = fix_Temp->vector_atom;

then to get the temp from the ith particle
Ti = Temp[i]