About maximum number of particles that LIGGGHTS can simulate

Submitted by dbxmcf on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 21:11

Hi, All:

I am currently running LIGGGHTS simulation test on a large cluster, if there is no limitation on number of nodes and processors per node, I have two companion questions:

1. Does anyone have an idea how many particles that LIGGGHTS/CFDEM is currently able to simulate?
2. When we do multi-processor simulation, how many number of particles is a reasonable number for one processor?

Thanks for any suggestions in advance!

Roy Li

cstoltz | Sat, 05/04/2013 - 02:09

No real single answer to either question. Depends on your simulation setup, hardware, length of simulation, and patience. I've run a hopper flow simulation in which the hopper w/ 1e7 particles on 60 cores and made it through about a million steps in a week.
