Abort trap 6 error. LIGGGHTS 3.0.2

Submitted by seidju on Wed, 08/20/2014 - 04:00

Hi everyone! I'm very new to LIGGGHTS, and i'm trying to start example from the Tutorial (Example 2 - Continous Blending Mixer). When i want to start simulation i got this strange "Abort trap: 6" error. Is this happening because of errors in my input file? I'm using Mac, OSX 10.9.4 and latest version of Publicly releasers LIGGGHTS. I also attached my input file.
Thanks for any help!

Plain text icon inputfile_mixer.txt2.27 KB
rberger's picture

rberger | Mon, 08/25/2014 - 13:26

Hi! Sry for the long delay. You have some typos in your input script.

1. rolling_friction is part of the model selection, so it must come before the "mesh" section

fix mixer all wall/gran model hertz tangential history rolling_friction cdt mesh n_meshes 3 meshes cad1 cad2 cad3 &

2. typo in tangential history

pair_style gran model hertz tangential history rolling_friction cdt

Normally you should get a error message telling you about it. But there was a bug (buffer overflow) which causes the Abort error. The error message bug will be fixed in the next release.