mesh module liquidtransfer


liquidtransfer liquidtransfer_keywords liquidtransfer_values
  • two liquidtransfer_keyword/value pairs need to be appended
  • heattransfer_keyword = wall_thickness or initial_liquid_content
wall_thickness value = wall_thickness (in length units)
  wall_thickness = virtual wall thickness
initial_liquid_content value = LC_initial
  LC_initial = initial liquid content (in vol%)


fix plate all mesh/surface/liquidtransfer file meshes/plate.stl type 1 scale 1.0 wall_thickness 0.01 initial_liquid_content 0.05


This module allows the use of a liquid bridge cohesion model that exchanges liquid with the wall. Additionally, it also allows the use of the fix_addliquid_wall which acts as an external liquid source for a certain part of the mesh.

The initial liquid content is given by the initial_liquid_content parameter and is then evolved when bridges break. The wall_thickness parameter asigns a virtual thickness to the wall and is responsible for the volume of liquid a wall can store. The other parameters for the cohesion model are taken from the global definitions.


When using this module and periodic boundary conditions the mesh needs to fulfill the following properties: (i) a triangle is not allowed to be in contact with itself through periodic boundaries, (ii) if two triangles are in contact inside the domain, they are not allowed to be in contact through periodic boundaries. Note that these restrictions are not validated by LIGGGHTS(R)-PUBLIC and must be ensured by the user.

Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info

This module writes information to binary restart files to be able to continue correctly after restart. None of the fix_modify options are relevant to this module.

This mesh module stores per-mesh-element properties (“liquid”: liquid vol%) which can be accessed via dump mesh/vtk

No parameter of this mesh module can be used with the start/stop keywords of the run command. This mesh module is not invoked during energy minimization.



