CFDEM®coupling Version History

CFDEM®coupling version 3.8.0 released (released Dec 01, 2017)
by DCS computing GmbH

  • the release was developed for OF5.x and LIGGGHTS-3.8.0 (see versionInfo.H)
  • src and applications compile also with OF 3.0.x (compiling and execution tested!) - Note: syntax in tutorials is suited for OF5.x and must be changed if you run with OF3.0.x! Alice Hager (DCS Computing)
  • ability to compile with ParScale-PUBLIC (v1.2.1-beta) and LIGGGHTS 3.8.0 (minor changes in package-liggghts-list.txt) (DCS Computing)
  • check details in your (private) repository/doc directory, e.g. here.

CFDEM®coupling version 3.7.0 released (released July 11, 2017)
by DCS computing GmbH

  • the release was developed for OF3.x and (only!!!) LIGGGHTS-3.7.0 (see versionInfo.H)
  • src and applications compile also with OF 4.x,v1612+ (execution not tested!) by Alice Hager (DCS Computing)
  • ability to compile with ParScale-PUBLIC (v1.2.1-beta) and LIGGGHTS 3.7.0 (minor changes in package-liggghts-list.txt) (DCS Computing)
  • new way of compiling & linking LIGGGHTS as a shared library removing duplicate definition of dependencies (vtk etc.) by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • cleaned up additionalLibs (obsolet after compiling LIGGGHTS as shared lib) by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • further improvment of "auto" makefiles in LIGGGHTS & CFDEMcoupling by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • new installation guide in documentation by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • updated and improved the documentation by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • reduced nr of required environment variables (see doc/installation) by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • included radiation model to cfdemSolverPisoScalar by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • new definition of thermal diffusivity via Pr number in cfdemSolverPisoScalar (see doc) by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • sanity check if solver and model settings are compatible (treatForceExplicit) by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • sanity check of non matching CFD time step and coupling time by Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing)
  • improved handling of sub-timesteps (i.e. CFD ts < coupling time) by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • clean up of output and required use input to forceSubModels (gradP,viscForce,Archimedes) by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • improvements to IB framework by Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing)
  • extension of checkCouplingInterval for use of scale drag, special thanks to Moritz Höfert
  • new check of particle based CFL number in checkCouplingInterval, special thanks to Moritz Höfert

Release Highlight
Smooth temporal interpolation of exchange fields for sub-time steps (sounds geeky, but improves stability a lot ;) )

CFDEM®coupling version 3.6.0 released (released Jan 18, 2017)
by DCS computing GmbH

  • the release was developed for OF3.x and LIGGGHTS-3.6.0 (see versionInfo.H)
  • src and applications compile also with OF 4.x,1606+,1612+ (not tested!)
  • src compiles with OF Ext 3.2 (not tested!)
  • new functionality to compile with extra packages (e.g. POEMS) of LIGGGHTS using the package-liggghts-list.txt by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • ability to compile with ParScale-PUBLIC (v1.2.1-beta) and LIGGGHTS 3.6.0 (minor changes in additionalLibs file, and package-liggghts-list.txt) by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • included fvOptions to cfdemSolverPiso by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • new fvOption meanSupVelocityForce for imposing superficial velocity to periodic case setup by Alice Hager (DCS Computing)
  • more accurate implementation of voidfractionModel divided by Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing)
  • bugfixes to the scalarTransportModelsCFDEM by Stefan Radl (TUG)
  • new generalized handling of additionalLibs, which auto-detect system settings and work in combination with LIGGGHTS' by Arno Mayrhofer (DCS Computing)
  • first steps towards type specific drag scaling by Stefan Radl (TUG)
  • the runLiggghts model can now be set up to run LIGGGHTS only once during a coupled simulation using the "runFirst" flag by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • improvements to locate model "engineSearchIB" by Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing)
  • new cleanCFDEMcase functionality in (see e.g. woSpheresGlowinskiMPI/ by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing)
  • new tutorial "periodicChannel" to model periodic particle-fluid flow by Alice Hager (DCS Computing)
  • new tutorial "packedBedTempParScale" realizing a coupling between LIGGGHTS, ParScale and CFDEMcoupling by Stefan Radl (TUG)
  • bugfix to allow resolved particles to leave the domain by Christoph Goniva (DCS Computing), initiated by a forum post of Tonyxz here.
  • updated and improved the documentation

Release Highlight
Improvements to the IB models to allow particles to exit the domain.

New models and test case for periodic channel flow.

CFDEM®coupling version 3.5.1 released (released Sept 6, 2016)
by DCS computing GmbH
+major improvement of smoothing model for unstructured grids
+major improvement to cfdemSolverPiso, cfdemSolverPisoSTM and cfdemSolverPisoScalar which now support fixedFluxPressure boundaries to ensure zero flux across walls (see ErgunTestMPI tutorial)
+divided voidfraction model has now improved handling at processor boundaries and periodic boundaries (it can be used together with engineIB locate model)
+improvements to scalar transport models - thanks to Stefan Radl and his group!
+improved error message if non-matching DEM and CFD time steps are chosen
+force model's functionality to scale diameter and drag has moved to the forceSubModels classes
+general bugfixes and minor improvements
+new "sphinx" bases html documentation
+whole package (src, applications, tutorials) is developed and tested with OF3.0 and LIGGGHTS 3.5.0 (recommended versions!)
+all tutorials can be back ported to 2.4.x with the alias cfdemChangeTutOFversion
+src and applications compile also with OF4.x and foam-extend-3.2
Release Highlight
Divided voidfraction model can now be used together with engineIB to allow for correct voidfraction calculation across processor and parallel boundaries.

Smoothing model was corrected for unstructured meshes.

CFDEM®coupling version 3.4.0 released (released May 18, 2016)
by DCS computing GmbH
+whole package (src, applications, tutorials) is now compatible to OF3.0 and foam-extend-3.2
+all tutorials are ready to be run with OF3.0 (can be back ported to 2.4.x with the alias cfdemChangeTutOFversion - use is at own risk!)
+new auto detection of OF version from environment variables
+new system specific settings file (additionalLibs_3.0.x) to be adapted by the user
+minor improvements to cfdemSolverPiso, cfdemSolverPisoScalar, cfdemSolverIB
+new eulerian model "generalPhaseChange" - thanks to Stefan Radl!
+new flexible selection of interpolation scheme per field via forceSubModels (default is cellPointFace for vectors, cellPoint for scalars)
+general bugfixes and minor improvements
+updates to the html based documentation

CFDEM®coupling version 3.3.0 released (released Jan 15, 2016)
by DCS computing GmbH
+whole package (src, applications, tutorials) is now compatible to OF3.0 and foam-extend-3.2 (tutorials need minor changes)
+minor improvements to cfdemSolverPiso, cfdemSolverPisoScalar, cfdemSolverIB
+new solver cfdemSolverPisoSTM (scalar transport model)
+new "scalar transport model" framework
+new "field time average model" for post processing
+new "volume weighted average model" for post processing
+new "particle volume model" for post processing
+new "trilinear" voidfraction model for structured meshes
+new "trilinear" voidfraction model for structured meshes
+new example voidfractionTest for trilinear voidfraction model
+new example packed bed temp for cfdemSolverPisoSTM
+general bugfixes and minor improvements
+updates to the html based documentation

CFDEM®coupling version 2.9.0 released (released Feb 26, 2015)
by DCS computing GmbH
+minor bugfixes in cfdemSolverIB
+improvement of cfdemSolverPiso
+improvement of cfdemSolverPisoScalar
+new model type Bfull (now model type I,II,III of Zhou et al. 2010 JFM are available)
+update of documentation
+generalized handling of force models by forceSubModels
+new approach of compiling cfdemCloud for both compressible and incompressible solvers
+new forceModel "fieldStore"
+update of particleProbe model
+update of constDiffSmoothingModel
+tutorials per default run in terminal where they were started
+software git commit number is written to logfiles

CFDEM®coupling version 2.7.1 released (released June 12, 2014)
by DCS computing GmbH
+works with OF 2.3.x ( commit: 4d6f4a3115ff76ec4154c580eb041bc95ba4ec09)

CFDEM®coupling version 2.6.1 released (released March 3, 2014)
by DCS computing GmbH
+works with OF 2.2.x (latest release commit: 61b850bc107bdd60bbf1bf9a6417b9faf701d128)

CFDEM®coupling version 2.6.0 released (released February 13, 2014)
by DCS computing GmbH
+works with LIGGGHTS 3.0.0

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.5 released (released June 13, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
+new new weight function in the voidfraction models to tune the particle volume considered in the CFD domain
+new postprocessing force model to calculate the total particle volume in the CFD domain (particleCellVolume) - see ErgunTestMPI case.

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.4 released (released Mai 16, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
A new sub-model class was added to allow for manually smoothing the exchange fields.
changes and new features:
+new smoothingModel class was added to cfdemCloud and used in the solvers. Two models are currently available (noSmoothing and constDiffSmoothing)

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.3 released (released March 19, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
As important changes for better stability compared to the previous versions were made, an update is recommended!
changes and new features:
+bugfix for writeLiggghts liggghts command model (continuously writing restart files). Changes in dataExchangeModel.H
+bugfix in CFD sub time stepping related to (timeStepFraction calculation, KslNext/Prev and voidfractionNext/Prev)
+new handling of ddt(voidfraction) - normally off

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.2 released (released March 19, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ new sophIO model writing drag forces
+ IO model now by default write in parallel format
+ cfdemPostproc now also writes the lagrangian data using the IO model
+ KochHill drag force model can be used with implicit drag formulation on DEM side (with the next LIGGGHTS release)
+ new example using CGS unit system (thx to Evan for the support)

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.1 released (released Feb 20, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ bugfix in cfdemPostProc

CFDEM®coupling version 2.5.0 released (released Feb 06, 2013)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ CFDEM®coupling works with the latest version of LIGGGHTS (currently 2.2.4)
+ improvements to clock model (track CPU and memorry usage) - thx to Josef
+ update of cfdemSolverIB to account for particles entering a domain
+ minor changes to cfdemPostproc utility
+ removed region model
+ additinal aliases to compile solver, src, utilities separately
+ improvements to runLiggghts liggghts command model (uses pre no by default)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.4.4 released (released August 01, 2012)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ CFDEM®coupling from now on works with the latest version of LIGGGHTS (currently 2.0.4)
+ please find new git clone instructions for LIGGGHTS here.
+ nomenclature of tutorials is now adapted for LIGGGHTS 2.0.x
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.4.3 released (released July 30, 2012)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ new IOModel "trackIO", which writes in other format, to allow for writing in "OpenFOAM(R)-lagrangian format". This allows now to visualize particle tracks using the particleTracks utility - thx to Mark
+ new postprocessing utility "writeUfluid", which writes local fluid velocity to lagrangian IO data written by trackIO - thx to Mark
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.4.2 released (released July 17, 2012)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ bugfix in dataExchange class concerning restart functionality

CFDEM®coupling version 2.4.1 released (released July 13, 2012)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ bugfixes in KochHill drag law (floating point exception)
+ modifications to liggghtsCommands: runLiggghts (preNo option)
+ modifications to liggghtsCommands: writeLiggghts (writeLast option)
+ minor updates

CFDEM®coupling version 2.4.0 released (released June 06, 2012)
by DCS computing GmbH
changes and new features:
+ designed to work with OpenFOAM(R)-2.1.x
+ designed to work with LIGGGHTS 1.5.3
+ the git repository now lives at github (thx to Stefan Amberger)
+ new file structure in the directories /applications /src /doc /tutorials
+ new installation routine (see node/237)
+ new basic documentation in /doc. Please feel free to contribute.
+ new doxygen
+ parallel functionality for cfdemSolverIB (thx to Alice Hager)
+ new liggghtsCommandModels to allow for restart of coupled simulations
+ new IOModel which dump DEM particles in the same interval as CFD data - VTK and pizza become obsolete.
+ new clockModel to allow investigation of code perfomance (thx to Josef Kerbl)
+ vizClock python routine in /applications/utilities to visualize the results of clockModel (thx to Josef Kerbl)
+ cfdemPostproc utility to postprocess a LIGGGHTS simulation and visualize the voidfraction
+ new useful shell scripts for compiling CFDEM®coupling and LIGGGHTS
+ new useful aliases in /etc/bashrc to navigate through the directories
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.3.0 released (released Dec 05, 2011)
changes and new features:
+ in "couplingProperties" the model type must be specified, see Zhou et al. (2010): "Discrete particle simulation of particle-fluid flow: model formulations and their appliccability", JFM
+ modified ErgunTestMPI, now showing min. fluidization velocity test
+ testcase now operate at rho != 1, to prevent from rho related bugs
+ changes in averagingModel (UsNext/Prev no longer have to be specified)
+ changes in implicitCouple (KslNext/Prev no longer have to be specified)
+ changes in explicitCouple (fNext/Prev no longer have to be specified)
+ changes in voidFractionModel (voidfractionNext/Prev no longer have to be specified)
+ new locate model engine (much faster!)
+ new voidfraction model divided (more accurate!)
+ new force model noDrag
+ new force model gradPForce
+ new force model viscForce
+ new coupling Model noCouple
+ new handling of the viscous term of the momentum balance (thx to Alice and Klemens)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.2.0 released (released Nov 07, 2011)
+ new Schiller Naumann drag law - thx to rq for the contribution!
+ new Mei-lift model- thx to rq for the contribution!
+ new version of big particle voidfraction model applying a Gauss distribution: GaussVoidFraction
- thx to rq for the contribution!
+ new functionality to allow adding forces only to DEM integration (not to momentum exchange terms)
+ units of Ksl changed again (hopefully for good) to kg/(m3*s), in the solver Ksl is divided by rho (feedback if rho!=0 bug is fixed now is highly appreciated!)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.1.1 beta released (released August 31, 2011)
UPGRADE useful if incompressible flow is of interest or if using the resolved CFD-DEM models (Glowinsky TestCase).
+ Bug in ShirgaonkarIB drag law fixed (thx to Yansan and Alice)
+ modifications that allow a compilation for compressible solvers (set preComp. flag in cfdemCloud.H and use the options_comp file)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.1.0 beta (released August 31, 2011)
UPGRADE recommended.
+ new drag force model following Koch&Hill
+ new model for convective heat transfer (particle fluid)
+ density!=1 bug fixed (dimension of Ksl field has changed!)
+ new solver cfdemSolverPisoScalar for CFD-DEM simulations including temperature equation
--> convective particle-fluid and conductive particle-particle heat transfer
+ new test case for cfdemSolverPisoScalar for CFD-DEM simulations including heat transfer
+ new functionality for post-processing in (pseudo) parallel (
+ bugfixes

CFDEM®coupling version 2.0.4 beta (released July 18, 2011)
UPGRADE recommended.
+ new force model Archimedes (lift force)
+ new voidfraction model bigParticles
+ new solver cfdemSolverIB for resolved CFD-DEM simulations (thx to Alice Hager)
+ new test case for cfdemSolverIB for resolved CFD-DEM simulations (thx to Alice Hager)
+ modifications to momentum Coupling Model (minor changes in couplingProperties necessary-see test cases)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0.3 beta (released July 7, 2011)
UPGRADE recommended.
+ new liggghtsCommandModel class allowing to execute liggghts commands within cfdem simulation
this feature is controlled via a new dictionary: case/CFD/constant/liggghtsCommands
+ new version information popping up when running case - hardcoded in cfdemCloud/versionInfo.H
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0.2 beta - UPDATE
UPGRADE necessary only if running on new CFD version is desired.
+ compatibility to 2.0.x
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0.2 beta (released June 26, 2011)
UPGRADE necessary only if the new testcase is desired.
+ new benchmark case "HopperEmptying"
You can either run the pure DEM simulation using the LIGGGHTS input script in.liggghts_resume_DEM,
or run the case including the CFD-DEM coupling using script.
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0.1 beta (released Mai 18, 2011) - UPDATE
+ new force model for virtual mass force (not tested!)
+ new environment variables in .../etc/bashrc
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0.1 beta (released Mai 18, 2011)
+ modifications to allow for varying number of particles in domain (insertion and deletion at runtime)
+ bugfixes

CFDEM coupling version 2.0 beta (released April 6, 2011) - UPDATE
+ update to allow for LES and RAS turbulence modeling
(example case is settlingTestMPI, changes necessary in /CFD/constant/couplingProperties
and in /CFD/constant/turbulenceProperties)
+ Note: this feature needs testing and validation!

CFDEM coupling version 2.0 beta (released April 6, 2011)

+ the CFD-DEM coupling is now based on MPI communication ... coupling is now parallel (!!!)
+ improved stability of the solver, it now handles momentum exchange terms implicitly
+ additional test case (ErgunTestMPI) showing the simulation of a densely packed bed
+ numerous bug fixes
+ GIT repository has changed (see download section)
+ the latest Version of LIGGGHTS necessary (1.2.8 or newer)

CFDEM coupling version 1.0 beta (released October 25, 2010)
+ the CFD-DEM coupling is based on file exchange
+ the solver handles momentum exchange terms explicitly
+ test case (settlingTest) showing the simulation of a dilute particle laden flow
+ download via GIT