implementation of the Walton braun model

Riccardo Maione's picture
Submitted by Riccardo Maione on Tue, 04/24/2018 - 16:32


I would like to implement the walton braun tangential force model to be used for the simulation of triaxial compression in a periodic box. I am having a bit of difficulties in implementing it, because my piece of code behaves in a very strange way. I try to compress the particles and they attain the required pressure, but if i leave them for relaxation, pressure decreases drastically. I also tried it for the collision of spheres against a wall with the parameter used in Di Renzo et al. 2004. and in that case it works pretty well, so it seems that the problem is mainly for constant normal force.

i read in this post that actually someone has already worked on this matter, maybe someone already knows this kind of problems or some code to share?

thank you for your help,