.. index:: compute property/molecule compute property/molecule command ================================= Syntax """""" .. parsed-literal:: compute ID group-ID property/molecule general_keyword general_values input1 input2 ... * ID, group-ID are documented in :doc:`compute ` command * property/molecule = style name of this compute command * general_keywords general_values are documented in `compute `_ * input = one or more attributes .. parsed-literal:: possible attributes = mol cout mol = molecule ID count = # of atoms in molecule Examples """""""" .. parsed-literal:: compute 1 all property/molecule mol Description """"""""""" Define a computation that stores the specified attributes as global data so it can be accessed by other :ref:`output commands ` and used in conjunction with other commands that generate per-molecule data, such as :doc:`compute com/molecule ` and :doc:`compute msd/molecule `. The ordering of per-molecule quantities produced by this compute is consistent with the ordering produced by other compute commands that generate per-molecule datums. Conceptually, them molecule IDs will be in ascending order for any molecule with one or more of its atoms in the specified group. The *mol* attribute is the molecule ID. This attribute can be used to produce molecule IDs as labels for per-molecule datums generated by other computes or fixes when they are output to a file, e.g. by the :doc:`fix ave/time ` command. The *count* attribute is the number of atoms in the molecule. Output info """"""""""" This compute calculates a global vector or global array depending on the number of input values. The length of the vector or number of rows in the array is the number of molecules. If a single input is specified, a global vector is produced. If two or more inputs are specified, a global array is produced where the number of columns = the number of inputs. The vector or array can be accessed by any command that uses global values from a compute as input. See :ref:`this section ` for an overview of LIGGGHTS(R)-PUBLIC output options. The vector or array values will be integers that correspond to the specified attribute. Restrictions """""""""""" none **Related commands:** none **Default:** none .. _liws: http://www.cfdem.com .. _ld: Manual.html .. _lc: Section_commands.html#comm