forceModel_GidaspowDrag command


Defined in couplingProperties dictionary.

    velFieldName "U";
    voidfractionFieldName "voidfraction";
    granVelFieldName "Us";
    phi                 scalar1;
    interpolation switch1;
    voidfractionInterpolationType "type1"
    UInterpolationType "type2"
    implForceDEM        switch2;
    suppressProbe       switch3;
    scale               scalar2;
    scaleDrag           scalar3;
    switchingVoidfraction scalar4;
    treatForceExplicit  switch4;
    implForceDEM        switch5;
    verbose             switch6;
    scalarViscosity     switch7;
    nu                  scalar5;
  • U = name of the finite volume fluid velocity field
  • voidfraction = name of the finite volume voidfraction field
  • Us = name of the finite volume cell averaged particle velocity field
  • scalar1 = (optional, default 1) drag correction factor
  • switch1 = (optional, default off) flag to use interpolated voidfraction and fluid velocity values
  • type1 = (optional, default cellPoint) interpolation type for voidfraction field
  • type2 = (optional, default cellPointFace) interpolation type for velocity field
  • switch2 = (optional, default false) flag to use implicit formulation of drag on DEM side switch3 = (optional, default false) can be used to suppress the output of the probe model
  • scalar2 = (optional) scaling of particle diameter: d_sim=scale*d_real. d_sim=(potentially coarse grained) particle diameter. scale=coarse graining factor. d_real= particle diameter as it is measured.
  • scalar3 = (optional) scaling of drag law
  • scalar4 = (optional) voidfraction above which dilute formulation will be used
  • switch4 = (optional, default false) sub model switch, see forceSubModel for details
  • switch5 = (optional, default false) sub model switch, see forceSubModel for details
  • switch6 = (optional, default false) sub model switch, see forceSubModel for details
  • switch7 = (optional, default false) sub model switch, see forceSubModel for details
  • scalar5 = (optional, default false) optional, only if switch6 is true


    velFieldName "U";
    voidfractionFieldName "voidfraction";
    granVelFieldName "Us";


The force model performs the calculation of forces (e.g. fluid-particle interaction forces) acting on each DEM particle. The GidaspowDrag model is a model that calculates the particle based drag force following the correlation of Gidaspow which is a combination of Ergun (1952) and Wen & Yu (1966) (see Zhu et al. (2007): “Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: Theoretical developments”, ChemEngScience).

