wrong(?) equation for Capillary Force in gran cohesion easo/capillary/viscous

giuraso's picture
Submitted by giuraso on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 17:18

I have checked the capillary force model in cohesion easo/capillary/viscous.
I think the equation you give as reference is

B = (-0.34*LN(volBondScaled)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.019*LN(volBondScaled) + 0.48
C = 0.0042LN(volBondScaled)+0.078;

but in the code you use LOG instead of LN, and converted LN into LOG.
So you divided the coefficient 0.34, 0.0019 and 0.0042 by 2.303.

B = (-0.148*log(volBondScaled)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.0082*log(volBondScaled) + 0.48
C = 0.0018*log(volBondScaled)+0.078;

But you need to multiply these numbers by 2.303 in order to convert LOG to LN instead.
The correct expression for B and C should be

B = (-0.783*log(volBondScaled)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.0438*log(volBondScaled) + 0.48
C = 0.00967*log(volBondScaled)+0.078;

Can you please check if what I say is correct?


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 02/22/2016 - 11:45

Hi Giuseppe,

I contacted Mrs. Easo - let's see what she says!

best wishes

Daniel Queteschiner | Mon, 02/22/2016 - 15:14

Where did you get the reference equation from?
I think the reference for the equation in question is
Soulie, Cherblanc, Youssoufi, Saix, Intl. J Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, p213, 30 (2006)
The equation on page 218 is the same as written in the LIGGGHTS manual at
And that's exactly what's in the code. Note that in C++ the log function returns the natural logarithm.

giuraso's picture

giuraso | Mon, 02/22/2016 - 17:01

I missed the fact that "in C++ the log function returns the natural logarithm". Thank you. That's why I tried to find the reason of discrepancy on the conversion.
On Soulie's Thesis ( https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010079/document ) page 23 you find the following expressions for B and C:

B = (-0.34*LN(V/R^3)-0.96)*contactAngle^2 - 0.019*LN(V/R^3) + 0.48
C = 0.0042LN(V/R^3)+0.078;
Together with the reference Mikami 1998 (Numerical simulation of cohesive powder behavior in a fluidized bed).

Later on at page 40 of Soulie's Thesis you find the expression for particles of different size
B = (-0.148*LN(volBondStar)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.0082*LN(volBondStar) + 0.48
C = 0.0018*LN(volBondStar)+0.078;

and in this case the expression of B and C are correct in LIGGGHTS.

I think I need to ask to the author of the Thesis for clarification.

Thank you Christoph and Daniel for your answers

giuraso's picture

giuraso | Mon, 02/29/2016 - 15:43

Hi all,

I had an email conversation with Liza Easo and Christoph Kloss.
Liza and I agree that Soulié's model in the case of two particles of the same size must match Mikami's model which expression for parameters B and C are

B = (-0.34*LN(volBondScaled)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.019*LN(volBondScaled) + 0.48
C = 0.0042LN(volBondScaled)+0.078;

For this reason we believe that the coefficient of the model easo capillary viscous, implemented in LIGGGHTS must be changed.

I think the error is somehow a typo in the reference paper and it is not related to a bug or a mistake of DCS team. My apologies.

Kind regards,

Additional info:
Mikami 1998 (Numerical simulation of cohesive powder behavior in a fluidized bed), also in Soulie's Thesis ( https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010079/document ) page 23 you find the following expressions for B and C:
B = (-0.34*LN(V/R^3)-0.96)*contactAngle^2 - 0.019*LN(V/R^3) + 0.48
C = 0.0042LN(V/R^3)+0.078;

Later on at page 40 of Soulie's Thesis you find the expression for particles of different size
B = (-0.148*LN(volBondStar)-0.96)*contactAngleEff*contactAngleEff - 0.0082*LN(volBondStar) + 0.48
C = 0.0018*LN(volBondStar)+0.078;

alex.z | Wed, 09/12/2018 - 19:07

I've been looking into this model and there are apparently some other mistakes:
- Average contact angle is defined as:

contactAngleEff = 0.5 * contactAngle[itype] * contactAngle[jtype] instead of contactAngleEff = 0.5 * (contactAngle[itype] + contactAngle[jtype])

- Derjaguin average radius is defined as:
rEff = radi*radj / (radi+radj), should be rEff = 2 * radi*radj / (radi+radj)


Jeff_DONG | Sat, 02/27/2021 - 02:16

Hi Alex,

I just found the original one 0.5 * contactAngle[itype] * contactAngle[jtype] makes the Fcap results less sensitive when the contact angle ranges from 0-30 degrees, which means Fcap does not have much difference in this range. However the modified one 0.5 * (contactAngle[itype] + contactAngle[jtype]) resolve this issue.

In Bhageshvar and Christoph 2014 Powder tech, they use contact angle 0 which basically deliminate the influence of the equation above.

So, have you figure out the reason?


syedUConn | Fri, 06/21/2019 - 23:05

For my project, I need to make a model of fluid bed drying. I have hot air coming in from the bottom and heating wet particles and eventually drying the particles. For this, I could run the simulation up to the heat transfer from the fluid to the particle, which is pretty straightforward and a lot of tutorials helped me. But, now I am really stuck as I need to incorporate moisture in particles and simulate drying. My first idea was to use cfdemSolverPisoSTM and consider the moisture as species but I do not know what is speciesCCapacity and how can I relate this parameter to the drying rate. So I could not go anywhere.
Then I thought of using the easo capillary model. I incorporated the model as specified by the documentation. But I receive the following error (as I need to know the liquid content and how it varies with time),

dump dmp all custom 20000 ../DEM/post/dump*.liggghts_run id type x y z ix iy iz vx vy vz fx fy fz omegax omegay omegaz radius f_Temp[0] f_heatFlux[0] f_surfaceLiquidContent[0]
ERROR: Could not find dump custom fix ID (../dump_custom.cpp:1384)

Also before the error, I receive the following warning,

The contact model you specified is not located in any whitelist.
Because of this the model will be run in an unoptimized version (increasing runtime by up to 20%).
In order to optimize this model you have the following options:
(i) Run the genAutoExamplesWhitelist.sh script in your LIGGGHTS(R) source folder to automatically parse the input script
(ii) Add the model combination by hand to your style_contact_model_user.whitelist that can be found in your LIGGGHTS(R) source folder
If you perform one of the steps above LIGGGHTS(R) needs to be recompiled to generate the optimized code.


I will really appreciate if someone can give some input for this.

Thanks in advance