Visualization for a rotating wall

Submitted by oliverio on Wed, 06/29/2011 - 11:54

Hi everybody !
I implemented the transport of grains in a rotating screw. The Liggths script works very well using fix move/mesh/gran. Now, i am trying to visualize the system. Normally, I can watch the grains in the rotating screw using Paraview. But, I have some problems to visualize the rotating wall, I used solidworks to build the wall in stl format, but this software cannot export the animation in this format, only .avi, bmp, tga format. I tried to convert avi files in one format that Paraview can read, but the transfromation does not work very well. I would like to know how an animation is implemeted in Paraview or what software the comunity use to rotate a stl format? Paraview can do it?, I didn´t find.
Thanks a lot

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Wed, 06/29/2011 - 12:16

you can viz it directly in paraview (see movingmesh tutorial). there is a bug with displaying STL in some versions, but this can be resolved by adding "export LC_ALL=C" to your bashrc.


oliverio | Wed, 06/29/2011 - 13:55

it works, i forgot this command
dump dumpstl all stl 2000 post/dump*.stl movecad2
thanks again!