velocity legend in Paraview

Submitted by yangdm on Thu, 09/22/2011 - 18:35

Hi, all

How to use the legend colour to represent the velocity of the particles?
I see all the liggghts examples have this feature, but I donot how to do so.


davidf | Thu, 09/22/2011 - 19:02

Hi all,
I'd also like to know how to do so in Paraview.
When I use the vtk tool in granpizza for a dump of style 'custom' (id type x y z vx vy vz) it doesn't show up in the color menu bar in Paraview, only the 'type' option for coloring atoms is appearing.

Can't Paraview read each column there is in the dump file ? (like Ovito for example)

yangdm | Fri, 09/23/2011 - 10:45

problem solved by following this comment:

Chose in the glyph properties tab:
- vectors -> v

Then chose in the glyph display tab:
- color by -> GlyphVector

Maybe you have to rescale the color map.


davidf | Fri, 09/23/2011 - 17:57

I don't have in the glyph properties tab "v" .
I only see x, y, z.
How do I get other output dump fields "vx vy vz temp etc.." into paraview glyph properties tab ?

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Sun, 09/25/2011 - 16:15

>>I don't have in the glyph properties tab "v"
In order to have this, you need to use from this site and use the manyGran() method as described in the README document in the tarball.
