unit of fix mesh/surface/stress

Submitted by xiuhan on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 23:06

Hi all, I set the units system to be si in the beginning.
Later I used fix mesh/surface/stress and export the pressure/shear/stress by dump mesh/vtk.
what's the unit of the output??? the pressure, shear, stress components??
N? Pa? kPa??
I am not sure.
thanks for help


xiuhan | Fri, 01/10/2014 - 15:45

Hi MiRa, are you sure? I have checked the manual. In the page of ¨fix mesh/surface/stress command¨. It is stated:
¨This fix is identical to fix mesh/surface except for the fact that the pressure and shear force that the particles in
the fix group exert on each triangle of the mesh is evaluated (which costs a bit of performance). Also, the total
force and torque on the particle is calculated (see output info). The per-element forces can be dumped into
VTK format using dump mesh/vtk.¨
¨This fix stores a global vector with 6 components for access by various output commands. The first 3
components are equal to the total force on the mesh, the last 3 components store the total torque on the body
exerted by the particles. Other info see fix mesh.¨
You see here they mentioned ¨force¨.

On the contrary, in the manual ¨dump command¨, it is stated:
¨The mesh/vtk style can be used to dump active mesh geometries defined via fix mesh commands to a series of
VTK files. Different keywords can be used to dump the per-triangle stress, id, velocity, wear, stress
components, area or the process which owns the element (visulatisation of the parallel decomposition) into the
specified file using a VTK file format.¨
You see here it is mentioned as ¨stress¨

I am deeply confused about this. Hope the developers can give an official definition.


ckloss_ | Mon, 01/13/2014 - 15:10

Hi all,

if you using SI units, the output is in SI as well (same of course for cgs)

>>So, depending on which column of your dump file you are looking at, you either see mechanical stress or force/torque.

Best wishes