Unclear feedback in CFDEM from implicitCouple

Submitted by ndeen on Wed, 04/16/2014 - 09:17

When one changes KslLimit or minAlphaP, the following lines are printed:

implicit momentum exchange field is limited to : 10000
implicit momentum exchange field calculate if alphaP larger than : 1

The first line is OK and shows the value of KslLimit that was supplied.
But the second line shows the value of (1-minAlphaP), whereas it should show the value of minAlphaP.
This can be fixed by changing line 105 in src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/subModels/momCoupleModel/implicitCouple/implicitCouple.C:

Info << "implicit momentum exchange field calculate if alphaP larger than : " << maxAlpha_ << endl;

should be changed to (I guess):

Info << "implicit momentum exchange field calculate if alphaP larger than : " << minAlphaP << endl;

